Ecclesiastes 2024 Bible Study (Don’t Waste Your Life)

Ecclesiastes 7:1-13, The School of Life

The School of Life (Ecclesiastes 7:1-13)

As we come to Ecclesiastes 7, the teacher is going to tell us the things that are better in life. The book has been attempting to determine what we gain for all of our work and effort on earth. What do we get for all that we put into this life? What is the advantage or benefit for all the effort we give? I have also noted to you that the message of the book is not that everything is meaningless. In fact, in Ecclesiastes 7 the teacher is going to show that there are things are important. There are things that are better than other things in this life. So the teacher is going to take us to the school of life and teach us the better things we need so that we do not waste our lives.

A Good Name Is Better (Ecclesiastes 7:1)

The school of life opens by talking about our reputation. A good name is better than expensive perfume. In this book the teacher has spent a lot of time teaching us about the futility of our efforts. We give so much of our time and effort for things in this world that do not matter and do not provide us a benefit. But now the teacher doubles back around and wants us to think about this from another perspective. What does it matter if you work and get what you are working for, but no one likes you? What does it matter if you increase your wealth, but no one has good things to say about you? What is the point if you are a success but no one wants to be around you? Who cares about what you have or what you have done if everyone rolls their eyes when your name is spoken! You know that there is nothing you can say to fix your reputation. In fact, it takes a long time to build a good reputation and one mistake to ruin that good reputation. The question is what do people think about when they hear your name. Is your name  associated with godliness, generosity, love, kindness, gentleness, or things like these? Our decisions and our words are building a reputation. Make decisions that build to a good reputation because that is more valuable than expensive perfume. A good name is better than wealth. A good name is priceless.

Death Is Better Than Birth (Ecclesiastes 7:1)

We probably wrinkle our noses and frown a little when we read this one. How can he say that the day of death is better than the day of birth? You might remember back in Ecclesiastes 4:1-2 that the teacher noted that it is better to not have to go through all the suffering and injustice that exists in the world. But our problem with what the teacher says here is that our thinking is backward. We think that death as the end is a bad thing. We think that death is supposed to be avoided at all costs. But the people of faith never talked this way. The people of faith never said that we need to try to live as long as we possibly can and do everything to avoid death. The people of faith never said that life is the highest goal. Rather, the people of faith always noted that death is the goal.

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21 ESV)

The apostle Paul did not say that to live is Christ and to die is loss. He did not say that to live is the greatest and to die is a tragedy. The people of faith see death as gain, not loss. Death is the point of life. Death is not an evil outcome. Death is what our bodies were made for. These bodies were not made for eternity. These bodies were made broken and frail because death is the gain.

For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened—not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. (2 Corinthians 5:4 ESV)

Paul tells us that the mortal is not being swallowed up by death. These mortal bodies are being swallowed up by life. Life begins when this body dies. Death is the end of the futility in this life. Death is the end of suffering, pain, and frustration. Death is the beginning of everything God put us here for.

Grief Is Better Than Laughter (Ecclesiastes 7:2-7)

The teacher now tells us that it is better to go into the house of mourning than the house of feasting. It is better to go to funerals than to weddings. Now again that is not how we look at these things. He also says that grief is better than laughter in verse 3. The teacher further notes in verse 4 that the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure. Why is the house of mourning better than the house of gladness and pleasure? In verse 2 and in verse 5 the teacher tells us the house of mourning causes us to be more reflective. In verse 2 we are told that the house of mourning means we start thinking about our lives and how the funeral is the outcome for every person. We listen and learn when we are in times of grief. We do not listen when we are full of laughter. Constant laughter teaches us nothing. The problem is that we sometimes try to live our lives to avoid all grief and only experience happiness. Now you might say, “What is the problem with this?” The problem is that constant laughter is not reality. We sometimes want to be quickly dismissive with grief and trying to return to laughter without the necessary reflection that the house of mourning brings. Listen to what the psalmist says.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12 ESV)

Notice that he says numbering our days is the path to the heart of wisdom. Constant laughter is not wisdom. Constant reflection and listening is the path to wisdom. We need to learn from tragedy. We need to learn from grief. We need to reflect in the house of mourning. We need to listen to the rebuke rather than just listening to the praise of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5).

Patience Is Better (Ecclesiastes 7:8-9)

Patience is better than pride. Do not let your spirit rush to anger because anger lives in the lap of fools. Please listen to these words because they are important. Anger lives in the heart of fools. Anger dwells in the lap of fools. Now here is what I want you to notice in verse 9. You have a choice to be quickly provoked. Your anger is not everyone else’s problem. It is you. You have a problem. The teacher does not say that our anger comes from everyone else doing dumb or bad things. No, we are letting anger live in our hearts and we are choosing to be quickly provoked. So I want us to think about this question: Why are you so anger? Why are you allowing yourself to get angry? This is good news. You have power over your anger. You can control your anger. You can choose not to be angry. Patience is wisdom. Patience is humility. Did you see that contrast in verse 8? The teacher does not merely contrast patience with anger. He also contrasts patience with pride. Anger shows pride because anger is selfish. Anger shows I am thinking about me. Anger does not think about others. Anger only thinks about self. Ending anger requires ending pride and selfishness. Patience is better. Anger is a waste of our lives.

The Present Is Better (Ecclesiastes 7:10)

Next, the teacher tells us to not think that the past is better than the present. Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” Do not fool yourself about the past. It is not what you are making it to be in your mind. Do not be tricked by nostalgia. We have an amazing way of remembering the past in a completely positive light, forgetting all the problems and difficulties we went through back then. I have a way to prove this to our hearts. How many times have you gone back to a place that you fondly remember only to see that it is not how you remember it at all? What you thought was so amazing was actually just an amazing memory! Your mind edited out all the harsh parts and all you remember are positive things which is not reality. So the teacher says to not fool yourself about the past. Please notice that the teacher says that we do not have wisdom if we long for the “good old days.” The past is not better. Do not wish for those days.

Wisdom Is Better (Ecclesiastes 7:11-13)

Now the teacher wants us to appreciate the importance of wisdom in your life. Wisdom is like an inheritance and benefits you for your life. Wisdom is a shelter and protection from life’s troubles. Now here is a key piece of wisdom. Look at verse 13.

Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked? (Ecclesiastes 7:13 ESV)

We started with this truth in Ecclesiastes 1:15 and now the teacher says it again. Think about God’s work. No one can straighten what he has made crooked. Romans 8:20 says that God subjected the creation to futility. This is the essence of the curse. The world produces futility and emptiness and there is nothing we can do to change this. So don’t waste your life. Seek to have the better life. But the better life will not come from the way the world claims. The better life comes from listening to God’s wisdom about this world. Since God made the world crooked, subjecting the creation to futility, then we need to enter his school of life and listen to what he has to say.

The School of Life

So did you take notes in God’s school of life? Let’s recap our notes from school. Value having a good reputation. What does it matter if you have wealth and stuff but no one wants to be around you? Value times of grief as a time for reflection and learning. The people of faith understand that death is the gain that all of this life is pointing toward. Value patience and do not let anger reside in your heart. Value the present and do not think that the past was better. Value the wisdom of God so that you can enjoy and learn from every moment God gives to you.

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