John has been writing this letter so that its readers can know that they have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). In particular, John has been helping us know if we are walking in the light or in darkness. John has given us various tests so that we can evaluate our faith and know where we stand with God. But John has been writing to encourage us to walk with God by maintaining fellowship with the apostles so that our joy can be complete (cf. 1 John 1:3-4). We are going to conclude this series on living in light by looking at the confidence we are to have in Christ and the important warning about loving the world.
Table of Contents
ToggleThe Assurance (1 John 2:12-14)
We have noticed that the apostle John has given us some hard tests so that we would look closely at our lives so that we will not be deceived into thinking that we are walking in the light when we are actually walking in the darkness. But John wants us to have assurance. John wants us to know that we have eternal life (cf. 1 John 5:13). So I want you to notice how John speaks to his audience in 1 John 2:12-14. Look at verse 12. John says he is writing to them because your sins have been forgiven. Would you let this truth rest in your heart and settle into your mind. This letter is to confirm you, not to shake you. If you are in Christ, then your sins are forgiven.
Look at verse 13. John says he is writing because you know him who is from the beginning. If you are in Christ, then you know him. You have a relationship with him. You know your God and he knows you. Keep reading in verse 13. John is writing because you have overcome the evil one. There are so many places in scriptures that teach us that we have victory over the devil because Jesus has conquered him. Listen to how the apostle Paul proclaimed this wonderful truth.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-11 ESV)
The strength is in Christ and you are able to stand and overcome the evil one in him. Keep reading in verse 14. John says he is writing because you know the Father. You know him who is from the beginning. Listen to how John ends this particular section at the end of verse 14. John is writing because you are spiritually strong, the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. These are given to us as key pieces of assurance. These are given to us so that we will have hope in our walk with God. You are strong. You can do this. You have God’s word living in you, transforming you, strengthening you, and changing you. You have overcome the evil one. Christ’s victory over Satan, sin, and death is our victory. You have a relationship with God that gives you status as his children. Do not throw that away. Do not toss aside everything you have in Jesus.
Before we leave this paragraph, it is important to notice that there is a sliding scale of spiritual maturity here. We see little children, young men, and fathers. It is a subtle reminder that we are on a spiritual journey of maturity. We are all at different places and we are all in the process of growing. Do not throw away what you have in Christ. Keep growing. Keep maturity. But there is a very real threat to our relationship with Christ. There is a great danger that threatens to destroy all that we have been given. Look at verses 15-17.
Warning: Do Not Love The World (1 John 2:15-17)
John gives a very important warning. Do not love the world or the things in the world. John is not saying to not love people. John is telling us that we cannot love the world with its desires, values, and perspectives. Our greatest threat is that we will love the world and the things that are in the world. Why can’t the disciple of Jesus love the world? Keep reading in verse 15. John says that if we love the world then the love of the Father is not in us. Why would this be true? Keep reading and look at verse 16.
John says that everything that belongs to the world is not from God: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Friends, this is a really important key truth. The offers of the world are contrary to God. What the world has to offer is spiritual destruction and John does not want you to experience that. So what are these things? What does it mean that the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are from the world? What are those things?
Let’s talk first about what John says first: the lust of the flesh. What does this mean? The English word “lust” might accidentally be a little misleading because the word refers to desires. Sometimes when we think of lust when only think of it in terms of sexual immorality. But the word is far broader that this. John is warning us about gratifying fleshly desires. It is choosing to live your life for what feels good. This is the idea of the works of the flesh that we read about in Galatians 5:19-21. So do not think only about sexual immorality, impurity, and sensuality. When you think about the desires of the flesh also include strife, anger, selfishness, drunkenness, and things like these. You are doing what feels good. You are doing what feels right. Please think about what a warning this is because our culture tells us that this is the highest good for life. Our culture tells us to do what feels good! Do what the flesh wants! Give into all your urges and desires! All that matters is that you feel good! So drug use is approved. Drunkenness is approved. Sexual immorality is approved. In our world everything is approved if it feels good. But the apostle John says that the love of the Father and the love of the world are not compatible. Please hear that. If it is our love to do what feels good and obey the desires of the body, then the love of the Father is not us (1 John 2:15). Following the flesh does not lead you to God. Following the flesh fades away. Feelings change and physical satisfaction is short-lived.
Second, John also tells us that the lust of the eyes belongs to the world. John tells us that you cannot live by what feels good and now he tells us that we cannot live by what looks good. We want what we see. We trust in what we see. Sins like stealing, jealousy, envy, and greed would fall into the category of the desires of the eyes. Discontentment and dissatisfaction would also fit into this. Lusting in the heart over sensual images is also condemned. Materialism and covetousness are also sins that this would identify because we live for having what we see. We cannot live for what we see. John tells us in verse 17 that this world and its desires are all passing away. None of what we see will last.
Finally, John tells us that the pride of life also belongs to the world. This is a difficult phrase to translate and is why you see a number of different translations trying to express the meaning. The CSB and NET read that it is the pride in one’s possessions. The word translated “life” is frequently used in the New Testament to refer to possessions. In fact, John uses the word that way in 1 John 3:17. The NRSV reads “the pride in riches” and the NLT reads “pride in our achievements and possessions.” The NLT might be the most inclusive in trying to capture the idea. We are being warned about having pride from what we achieve and possess in life. We take pride in our possessions. We take pride in what we do. We take pride in our reputation and status. Pride is always a problem because it ignores that our lives exist only by the grace of God and that everything we have is from his hand.
Now John wants us to think rationally in verse 17. Loving the world is a terrible trade because everything in the world is passing away. Nothing in the world lasts. All of it is temporary. The eternal joy you are looking for is not within you or in the world, but with God. There is no future in worldly living. It is a poor investment of your time and effort.
False Solutions
Now it is important to identify false solutions that are often proposed to fight against the love of the world. One solution that has been used throughout history is to sell what you have and separate yourself from the world. In Colossians 2:21-23 the apostle Paul is addressing people who are saying, “Do not handle, do not taste, and do not touch.” Just avoid all pleasure, all possessions, and all things that belong to the world. But listen to what Paul says to this idea:
These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. (Colossians 2:23 ESV)
This kind of lifestyle seems like a good idea but they are no value in stopping evil desires and fleshly indulgences. But not only will selling all your possessions or moving to a far away mountain or beating up your body not help or work, but God condemns this idea because God has given us all things in life to enjoy. Listen to what Paul preached in Lystra.
“Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.” (Acts 14:17 ESV)
Listen to what he taught Timothy who was preaching in Ephesus.
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. (1 Timothy 4:1-5 ESV)
Paul says that people were going to forbid marriage and forbid food. There are going to be those will try to impose godliness by separating from the world. But listen carefully to what Paul says. These things were created by God to be received with thanksgiving. Keep reading to verses 4-5. Everything created by God is good and nothing is be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving as it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. What is Paul saying? Is food the problem? Is marriage the problem? Is sex the problem? Are possessions the problem? Are careers the problem? Paul says that these things were created by God and everything that God created was good. Further, Paul says that these things are not be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. We do not make ourselves not enjoy the blessings of God.
Live For the Gift Giver
So what is the problem? The problem is that we love them so that we sin with them. The problem is that these things capture our hearts so that we live for what we feel, what we see, and what makes us look good. God gave you everything. Live for God, not for what he gave you. Do not sin with what God has given. Do not take your desires and sin with them. Take the desires God has given to you and use them to his glory and honor.
Friends, you have your sins forgiven. You know him who is from the beginning. You have overcome the evil one. You are strong and the word of God lives in you. Do not throw away your joy and confidence in the Lord by chasing after the desires of the world. Do not make a god out of what God gave you. Do not live for your desires. Live for God and give God thanks for everything you have. Rather than living for what you feel, live for God and honor him with your body. Rather than living for what you see, live for God and look for ways to see God’s goodness and glory in your life. Rather than being proud of your life, boast in the Lord who has placed you in the position you are in and honor him for all he has done.